(A Paper of Second Language Acquisition)
Tias Windi Alvita
Cover…………………………………………………. i
Table Of contents……………………………………....ii
CHPATER I Introduction
1.1 Background of The Problem……………………….1
1.2 Formulation of The Problem……………………… 2
1.3 Objective of The Study……………………………2
CHAPTER II Theoretical Framework
2.1 Definition of Teacher Talk…………………………3
2.2 Characteristic of teacher talk………………..……..3
2.3 Definition of Input Modification……………….….. 4
CHAPTER III Research and Finding
3.1 Research study ………………………..................5
3.2 Research Finding…………………………………6
3.3 Research Analysis……………………………….15
CHAPTER IV Conclusion
4.1 Conclusion ……………………………………...22
BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………......... 23
1.1 Background of The Problem
There is assumption that the principal determinant of successful learning is language teaching method. Studies such as those by Scherer and Wertheimer (1964) and Smith (1970) investigated the comparative effectiveness of methods such as Grammar Translation, Audio-Lingualism, and Cognitive Code, but were not able to demonstrate that one was more successful than another (Ellis, 1985: 143). It indicates that teaching method is not the only one factor will make the successful learning.
“Classroom process research, as Gaies (1983) calls the study of communication in the classroom, has taken different forms: interaction analysis; teacher talk; discourse analysis” (Ellis, 1985:143). It shows that interaction analysis; teacher talk; discourse analysis are the other important factors in classroom teaching.
From those important factors in classroom teaching teacher talk is one of the most influential factors in classroom teaching. The way that is used by teacher in teaching will affect the students’ understanding including the way how teacher talks. Students, particularly kindergarten students still take what they hear from teacher or adult. The language they use is called caretaker speech. That is why what teacher says will give influence in their language achievement
It can be concluded that classroom interaction is the major variable affecting SLA. All dimensions of classroom process involve teacher talk from giving instruction to questioning or disciplining students, providing the feedback should be known to make the teaching learning process successful.
1.2 Formulation of the problem
This activity is done in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal, Mataram, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu. The writer analyzes how the teacher makes interaction to her students.
Based on the statement above, the writer formulates the problem: how does the aspect of the teacher talks occur in classroom interaction of TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal, Mataram, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu?
1.3 Objective of The Study
The objective of the study is to know how the teacher makes interaction to the students in learning activity.
Theoretical Framework
2.1 Definition of Teacher Talk
Teacher talk is the kind of language used by the teacher for instruction in the classroom. For this term, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines it as “the variety of language sometimes used by teachers when they are in the process of teaching. In trying to communicate with learners, teachers often simplify their speech, giving it many of the characteristics of foreigner talk and other simplified styles of speech addressed to language learners” (Richards, 1992: 471).
Rod Ellis (1985) states that teacher talk is the special language that teachers use when addressing L2 learners in the classroom. There is systematic simplification of the formal properties of the teacher’s language. He divides the studies of teacher talk can be divided into the type of language that teachers use in language classrooms and the type of language they use in subject lessons.” He also commented “the language that teachers address to L2 learner is treated as a register, with its own specific formal and linguistics properties” (Ellis, 1985: 145).
Teachers adopt the target language to promote their communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to encourage the communication between learners and themselves. Therefore we can say teacher talk is a kind of communication-based or interaction-based talk.
2.2 Characteristic of teacher talk
Wong-Fillmore (1985) suggests that there are some characteristics of teacher talk that might work as input. The characteristics are:
1. The talk has clear separation of languages (no alteration or mixing)
2. The talk has emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by:
- Use of demonstration, enactment to convey meaning
- New information presented in context of known information
- Heavy message redundancy
3. The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by:
- Using simple structure, avoiding complex structure
- Repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines
- Using repetitiveness, using paraphrase for variation
4. The talk is tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students
5. The talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, playfulness.
2.3 Input Modification
Modifications by native speakers occur at the level of linguistic and interaction. Chaudron (1988) has outlined the modification made by the teachers in terms of: speech rate, phonology, intonation, articulation of vocabulary, modification of syntax, and modification of discourse. Wensche (1944), summarizes the modification in term of speech rate, phonology and prosody, vocabulary, and modification in vocabulary. Pica (1994) also summarizes modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation; modification in word choice and frequency of use, modification of utterance length and structural complexity, modification in organization and elaboration of information; modification in proportions of questions, statement, and imperatives.
Types of modification:
1. Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
2. Modification of morphology and syntax
3. Modifications in vocabulary
4. Modifications in discourse
Research and Finding
3.1 Research Study
- The Purpose of Study
In recent years, studies on the language that teachers use in language classroom has become gradually increasing both abroad and in Indonesia.
First, most of the researches on teacher talk have only concerned to the analysis of various phenomena about teacher talk and the objective description on teacher talk such as its characters and structure. Then, few researches have explored the effects of Teacher Talk on second language acquisition (SLA) as a vital aspect of classroom-based language learning. It is influenced by many factors such as students. As one of the important factors in language classrooms, the students, to be more exact, the students’ learning needs and language proficiency cannot be neglected. But researches on Teacher Talk have not taken the factor of students into consideration and it is found that quite a few teachers talk in classrooms according to the teaching contents or examinations, and completely neglect the students’ learning needs.
So the present study is conducted with a purpose to investigate how Teacher Talk in foreign language classrooms in our country affects foreign language learning (the language is mainly English language) from a different perspective--comparing the students’ preferences towards the ideal teacher with the real Teacher Talk. The specific purpose is to provide empirical evidence to the suggestion that the appropriate use of teacher talk would enhance foreign language teaching and learning, and teachers should talk consciously in classrooms. In this way, teachers can improve their language quality consciously so that English language teaching and learning can be facilitated. Although Teacher Talk involves many aspects, this research just focuses on three aspects which are related closely to language learning, that is: the amount of teacher talk; teachers’ questioning; teachers’ assessment.
- Place and time of study
This research was conducted in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal, Mataram, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu on April 21th, 2011.
3.2 Research Finding
- The Transcription of The Video
TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal, Mataram, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu
Siswa : lima puluh tiga.
Guru : stop, berapa?
Siswa : lima puluh tiga
Guru : siapa yang merasa tadi isinya 53 ngacung? Yang tadi ngisinya 53 ngacung?
Siswa : bu aku 48,,,,,,,
Siswa :bu aku 44,,,,,,,,
Guru : 54 kelebihan satu, ayo ngacung yang 53?
Siswa : aku 52..
Guru : 52? Kurang 1.
Siswa : aku 51
Guru : 51?
Siswa :51 opo bu?
Guru : ga ada yang bener?
Siswa : 52,,,
Siswa : bu guru aku 54
Guru : 52?
Siswa : bu aku 53.
Guru : restu 53? Coba tak liat bukunya Restu, Berapa? Berapa? Berapa Tu? Ha Restu bo’ong, katanya 53, mau dibuka bukunya eh jangan jangan jangan kata Restu, restu bo’ong ya?
Siswa : bo’ong kui…
Guru : punya restu tadi isinya berapa? Isinya berapa punya Restu?
(siswa menjawab dengan menunjukkan jumlah dengan tangan)
Berapa Tu?
Siswa : bu aku 48,,tuju….
Guru : ini berapa?
Siswa : 47
Guru :ha?
Siswa : 47.
Guru : 47, punya Restu isinya 47.
Siswa : aku 48
Siswa : Aku 41,,,
Siswa : aku 41,,,
Siswa : aku 43,,,,,
Guru : sebenernya isinya……..Ho lah spidolnya kemana jajal??
Siswa : ilang BU…….
Guru : Nah sebenernya isinya lima puluh berapa tadi?
Siswa : tigaaaaaaaaaa,,,,
Guru : siapa yang berani nulis 53?
Siswa : akuu,,,,aku,,,,aku,,,,,
Guru : Lima puluh tiga (siswa maju menulis 53). Betul apa salah Winter? Mana Winter? 53 Bener apa salah?
Siswa : Betuuuuuuuuulllllll
Guru : betul, betul ini udah betul. Rahma mau benerin? Berapa angka 53, gimana coba kalo Rahma yang bikin, coba.
Siswa : ga usah bu..
Guru :ha? Yo men Rahma mau bikin angka 53 katanya.
Ni betul apa salah Rahma? Ha? Coba tiruin lagi bikin angka 53, pegangnya yang bener. Lima puluh tiga, terus lima puluh tiga.
Ini namanya lima puluh berapa?
Siswa : empat.
Guru : ini angka berapa Rahma?
Siswa : gak iso, gak iso..
Guru : angka berapa ini? Angka berapa? Em- pat. Brarti ini lima puluh? O Rahma mau nulis lanjutannya 54, brarti Rahma pinter ya Rahma ya? He’eh siapa yang mau nulis lanjutannya lagi 55?
Siswa : aku….aku…
Siswa : berapa bu?
Guru : ho kan rak ngrungokke. Lima puluh?
Siswa : tiga…!!
Guru : lima…..!!!
Siswa : bu aku 56
Guru : 56?
Siswa : 57, 47,,,,,bu,,,,,,bu,,,bu,,,,
Guru : Lima puluh lima
Siswa : bu,bu guru aku 47 aku..aku…….
Guru : satu lagi,,,,satu lagi,,,,,
Siswa : aku,,,,,,,,,aku,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Guru :Rehan coba,Rehan yang biasanya tidur. Rehan coba. Rehan bikinin bu guru angka lima puluh. Hayo jajal 50 bisa ga? Spidolnya dibuka dulu!
Siswa : Lima sama endok
Siswa : lima sama enol,,,lima sama enol,
Guru : angkanya berapa coba?
Siswa : lima sama enol,,
Siswa : lima sama endol,,
Guru : he’eh coba 5 mas Rehan!
Siswa : lima sama endol,,, kui buset empatte,,,empatte buset…(hapus angka empatnya)
Guru : lima sama enol bisa ga?
Siswa : empatte busek……limo karo endok….
Guru : dah, siaga……..!!!Dah, banyak belajar di rum,,,,,,
Siswa : mahhhhhh…
Guru :jangan banyak maa,,,,,,,, main. Kalo siang tidur biar ga kecape’? kecape’an. Satu..
Siswa : tangan ke atas , dua, tangan ke samping, tiga tangan kedepan, empat lalu dilipat, satu,dua,tiga,empat…..bismillahirohmannirrohim…..wal asri inal insyanalafi husri illaladzina amanu wa amilus sholihati watawa shobil haqqi wa tawa shoubisshobr, robbi firli waliwalidayya
Guru : coba doa semua!
Siswa : warhamhuma kama robbaya nisoghiroh
Siswa : artinya ya Allah ya Tuhanku, ampunilah dosaku, ampunilah dosa ibu bapakku, sayangilah mereka
Guru : Okta
Siswa : sebagaimana ia menyayangi diriku sewaktu kecil.
robbana atina fidunya hasanah wafil akhiroti khasanah wakina adzabbannar.
Ya allah berikanlah kepada kami kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Dan lindungilah kami dari siksaan api neraka. Bismillahi tawakaltu alallah lahawla wala quwatta ila billah .
Guru : siaap grak…!
Siswa : bu guru kami mau pulang ,selamat siang bu guru…….
Guru :siang selamat jalan. Inget….! Sampai depan rumah ucapkan?
Siswa : assalamu’alaikum..
Guru : ketemu bapak ibunya?
Siswa : salim
Guru : salim, jangan lupa kalau siang?
Siswa : ngaji……..
Guru :eh siang?
Siswa : tidur
Guru :tidur siang, makan yang tera……….?
Siswa : tuuur..
Guru : biar se…?
Siswa : haaaat….
Guru :sehat, kalo sore jangan lupa ngaji, malemnya?
Siswa : sholat….!
Guru : kalo malem ko?
Siswa :ngaji…..!
Guru : kalo malem beeeeeeeeeee……..?
Siswa : lajar
Guru :belajar jangan banyak liat tipi.
Siswa : bu aku kalo malem ngaji di masjid
Siswa : bu…bu… bu… kalo banyak liat tipi kan pake kacamata
Guru : he’eh tipinya rusak banyak banyak liat tipi, eh ko tipinya rusak apanya yang rusak?
Siswa : matanya,,,,
Guru : he’eh matanya rusak nanti pake kacamata banyak-banyak liat tipi
Siswa : bu,,,,,bu,,,,,,, kayak mas Amatku
Siswa :bu,bu,bu. bu,,,,Alpin manggon kene kejebles tembok.
Guru : he’eh kejebles tembok, makanya kalo maen haaati,,,,haaaaa,,,tii,
Siswa : bu guru bu guru di tangannya, dicubit sama Anggit,kena batu sininya.
Guru :he’eh, jangan lupa kalo mau maen pamit?
Siswa :tan,,,!
Guru :pamitan karo bapak’e karo ibu’e, nek maen ojo? Digoleki angel adohe pol maene neng sawah meneh panas-panas. Siang-siang maen di sa..?
Siswa : wah.
Guru :Assalamu’alikum warrahmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Siswa :wa’alaikumsalam warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Guru :satu lagi pengumuman. Ssstttttt…… satu lagi pengumuman…… besok itu ditanggalan bulan April tanggal berapa ini? Tanggal berapa ni yang warnanya merah? Tanggal berapa ni yang warnanya merah?
Siswa : jumaaaaaaaatt………
Guru : ni, angka berapa ini? Iya besok itu tanggal 22 hari jumat tanggalannya merah, jadi anak TK li…?
Siswa : buuuuuurrrr……
Guru : iya, libur satu hari, libur satu?
Siswa : hari
Guru : libur satu?
Siswa : hari
Siswa : dua hari
Guru : ha? 1 hari aja nanti sabtunya masuk walaupun kecempet ga papa masuk, nanti bawa bontot kita latihan drum band lagi, mau ga?
Siswa : yooooooooooooooo…….
Guru : berangkat ya,,,,kalo ibunya dah bilang,” eh jangan berangkat hari kecempet, oh takon pak guru wae yo
Siswa : bu guru dolan waelah
Guru : ojo dodol?,,,lan..
Siswa : gak popo lah
Siswa : rak popo bu lah…
Guru :dah ya inget ya, besok libur satu hari
Siswa : dua hari, dua hari,,,
Guru : dah, sekarang anteng-antengan!
Siswa : anteng-antengan.
Siswa : bu guru ga ada PR?
Guru : Ga.
Jajannya simpen dulu. Dah anteng belum?
Siswa : dah.
Guru : Ok, yang bisa nebak ya. Bu guru punya pohon rambutan, di atas itu daunnya cuman ada 10, ,,
Siswa : sepuluh?
Guru : di atas itu daunnya cuman ada 10. Kena angin ribut daunnya jatuh tiga. Tinggal berapa daun di atas?
Siswa : tujuh………tujuh…..
Guru : tenang, hop. Ada lagi, sabar-sabar, sabar masih banyak yang lainnya, ya. Yak sekarang jangan pohon rambutan lah kekecilen. Sekarang pohonnya pohon jambu. Nah? Di atas itu tadi dah 10, daunnya ada 12, hayoh ngunu, pinjem tangan temennya, daunnya ada 12 pas kena angin daunnya jatuh lima, tinggal berapa?
Siswa : tujuh………tujuh…..
Guru : hop….hop………hop……. Yang duluan, yang njawab duluan, makanya cepet-cepetan. Mana Rehan?Rehan?Mana Rehan pulang tadi kan sama Restu. Nah tadi ya daunya tinggal berapa tadi?
Siswa : tujuh……..
Guru :tinggal 7, daunnya jatuh lagi 4, tinggal berapa?
Siswa : tigaaaaaaaaaa…….tigaaaaaaaaaaa……
Guru :sekarang diam, daunnya di bawah ada tiga, gak taunya jatuh lagi empat. Berapa daun yang di bawah? Tiga sama empat berapa?
Siswa : tujuh………delapan…..
Guru : balik lagi, balik lagi, sekarang dibagi ajalah,,
Siswa : delapan…..
Guru : hush,,,,,,, sekarang ganti ajalah, coba sini arisan, coba sini arisan. Bu guru punya apel. Punya apelnya berapa maunya? 9 lah jangan banyak-banyak biar bisa ngitung ndewe. Hayo punya apel 9,,yah, he’eh.
Siswa : dijaluk telu.
Guru : dijaluk sama Rendi empat. Tinggal berapa?
Siswa : lima……..lima……
Guru : Rendi pinter, ya udah pulang dulu, di rumah belajar lagi ya.
3.3 Research Analysis
- The Analysis of the transcription
Based on the research finding, there are some characteristics of teacher talk that occur in teaching learning process in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal, Mataram, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu. They are as follow:
a) The talk has clear separation of languages (no alteration or mixing)
It means that the teacher use the language clearly only has one meaning.
For example: “siapa yang merasa tadi isinya 53 ngacung?”
The teacher asks the students about who answer the number of fifty three. she asks it after all students count together what the number of all words they write. When the students answer that their answer is 52,
Siswa : aku 52..
Guru : 52? Kurang 1.
The teacher makes the justification that the answer is 53 by giving explanation that the student’ answer need one number to reach the right answer. Here, the teacher still tries to make the students understand that the answer is 53.
b) The talk has emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by:
- Use of demonstration, enactment to convey meaning
Guru : satu lagi pengumuman. Ssstttttt…… satu lagi pengumuman…… besok itu ditanggalan bulan April tanggal berapa ini? Tanggal berapa ni yang warnanya merah?(teacher shows the calendar to the students) Tanggal berapa ni yang warnanya merah?
In video recorder, we can see the teacher shows the calendar to the students when she asks the students to answer what date tomorrow is. She wants her students to know that tomorrow is holiday. She uses calendar as media to demonstrate her message that tomorrow they should not come to school.
- New information presented in context of known information.
The teacher uses the time she asks to make the students understand what she means.
Guru : salim, jangan lupa kalau siang?
Siswa : ngaji……..
Guru :eh siang?
Siswa : tidur
In the dialogue, when the students are wrong in answering the question teacher tries to lead the students to the right answer by emphasizing the time relate with the answer. It is one of technique of conveying known information the students have known.
c) The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by:
- Using simple structure, avoiding complex structure
The teacher uses very simple sentence when she asks to her students. Simple structure in sentence will ease the students to understand what the teacher said. There are some examples of simple sentence that occur in teaching learning process in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal as follow:
Guru : ga ada yang bener?
Guru : ini berapa?
Guru : angka berapa ini? Angka berapa?
Guru : lima sama enol bisa ga?
- Repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines
Guru : siapa yang merasa tadi isinya 53 ngacung? Yang tadi ngisinya 53 ngacung?
Guru : Restu 53? Coba tak liat bukunya Restu, Berapa? Berapa? Berapa Tu?
Guru : Lima puluh tiga (siswa maju menulis 53). Betul apa salah Winter? Mana Winter? 53 Bener apa salah?
Guru : ha? Yo men Rahma mau bikin angka 53 katanya. Ni betul apa salah Rahma? Ha? Coba tiruin lagi bikin angka 53, pegangnya yang bener. Lima puluh tiga, terus lima puluh tiga. Ini namanya lima puluh berapa?
There are some examples of teacher talk that include in characteristics of repeating the use of some patterns. As the example above, the teacher ask frequently to the students “Berapa? Berapa? Berapa Tu?”and also in sentence “Betul apa salah Winter? Mana Winter? 53 Bener apa salah?” This repetition is one of teacher technique to encourage students to give attention to the teacher. She also repeats the instruction as in sentence “Coba tiruin lagi bikin angka 53, Lima puluh tiga, terus lima puluh tiga”. It is also one of teacher technique to lead the student who is afraid to do something in front of the class. This repetition will make the students feel safe.
- Using repetitiveness, using paraphrase for variation
Guru : he’eh tipinya rusak banyak banyak liat tipi, eh ko tipinya rusak apanya yang rusak?
Guru : he’eh matanya rusak nanti pake kacamata banyak-banyak liat tipi
Guru : ha? 1 hari aja nanti sabtunya masuk walaupun kecempet ga papa masuk, nanti bawa bontot kita latihan drum band lagi, mau ga?
In the examples above, we can see the teacher use paraphrase to convey meaning. Such as “he’eh tipinya rusak banyak banyak liat tipi, eh ko tipinya rusak apanya yang rusak?”, it is used to make the students to be able to make conclusion about what teacher says. It is still same in sentence “1 hari aja nanti sabtunya masuk walaupun kecempet ga papa masuk, nanti bawa bontot kita latihan drum band lagi, mau ga?”, is used to encourage the students to follow what teacher says. Because if we see in video recorder the students bargain to get two days for holiday. But the teacher encourages them to follow the rule that the holiday is only one day by using paraphrase. The teacher’s purpose of using paraphrase in this sentence is to lead the students to come to school after holiday.
d) The talk is tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students
Guru : betul, betul ini udah betul. Rahma mau benerin? Berapa angka 53, gimana coba kalo Rahma yang bikin, coba.
Guru : angka berapa ini? Angka berapa? Em- pat. Brarti ini lima puluh? O Rahma mau nulis lanjutannya 54, brarti Rahma pinter ya Rahma ya? He’eh siapa yang mau nulis lanjutannya lagi 55?
In the example above the teacher make justification that the answer is right. When there is a student who wants to try to do the same thing, the teacher gives her chance to do the same thing. While the student did not write 53, the teacher did not blame her. As the teacher’s sentence in “angka berapa ini? Angka berapa? Em- pat. Brarti ini lima puluh? O Rahma mau nulis lanjutannya 54, brarti Rahma pinter ya Rahma ya? He’eh siapa yang mau nulis lanjutannya lagi 55?”, is showed that she can handle the situation which can allow different levels of participation from students.
Another example of this characteristic is in the sentence below:
Guru :Rehan coba,Rehan yang biasanya tidur. Rehan coba. Rehan bikinin bu guru angka lima puluh. Hayo jajal 50 bisa ga? Spidolnya dibuka dulu!
In the bold sentence, the teacher asks the student to write different number from the previous number, whereas the previous student writes the number in sequence.” Hayo jajal 50 bisa ga?” is one example of tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students.
e) The talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, playfulness.
The teacher use game in testing the students’ comprehension to make the students enjoy the question. As the example of teacher talk below:
Guru : Ok, yang bisa nebak ya. Bu guru punya pohon rambutan, di atas itu daunnya cuman ada 10, ,,
Guru : tenang, hop. Ada lagi, sabar-sabar, sabar masih banyak yang lainnya, ya. Yak sekarang jangan pohon rambutan lah kekecilen. Sekarang pohonnya pohon jambu. Nah? Di atas itu tadi dah 10, daunnya ada 12, hayoh ngunu, pinjem tangan temennya, daunnya ada 12 pas kena angin daunnya jatuh lima, tinggal berapa?
In the example above, the teacher uses the sentence that is close to students’ daily life. It makes the students easy to imagine the number of the leaves. So it makes them fun to follow the game although it is about mathematics that often makes some students afraid and lazy to count.
- Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
In this modification Pica states two features had been of special interest in search on rate of speech: reduces number of word per minute and increased length of pauses. From the teacher interaction to the students, the teacher reduced number of word. For example, “siapa yang merasa tadi isinya 53 ngacung? Yang tadi ngisinya 53 ngacung?”.
The teacher also uses pauses in every word. For the example when the student is confused to write 50, the teacher leads him in length pauses.
Guru : angkanya berapa coba?
Guru : he’eh coba 5 mas Rehan!
Guru : lima sama enol bisa ga?
Her intonation is good. She can make the students feel safe when they come in front of the class. She does not blame the student’s mistake but she change directly her instruction as in the sentence below.
Guru : ha? Yo men Rahma mau bikin angka 53 katanya.Ni betul apa salah Rahma? Ha? Coba tiruin lagi bikin angka 53, pegangnya yang bener. Lima puluh tiga, terus lima puluh tiga.Ini namanya lima puluh berapa?
Guru : angka berapa ini? Angka berapa? Em- pat. Brarti ini lima puluh? O Rahma mau nulis lanjutannya 54, brarti Rahma pinter ya Rahma ya? He’eh siapa yang mau nulis lanjutannya lagi 55?
- Modification of morphology and syntax
From the complexity of syntax, the following characteristics of modification were indentified:
1. There is a shorter average length of T-unit: in this interaction teacher just use simple word. So, the student can understand it easily.
Guru : He’eh siapa yang mau nulis lanjutannya lagi 55?
Guru : angkanya berapa coba?
Guru : he’eh coba 5 mas Rehan!
2. Modification interaction does not produce the syntactically. In this interaction the writer also does not find it.
3. There is a wide variety of sentences:
Statement: -betul, betul ini udah betul.
-Yo men Rahma mau bikin angka 53 katanya.
Imperatives: -Berapa angka 53, gimana coba kalo Rahma yang bikin, coba.
-Coba tiruin lagi bikin angka 53
Question: - stop, berapa?
-Tanggal berapa ni yang warnanya merah?
- Modifications in vocabulary
The most common measure used investigate vocabulary modifications is the ratio of number different words to number of words produced (type-token, smaller the ratio, the less diverse). In this interaction the teacher just uses the simple vocabulary. There is no phrasal idiom.
- Modification of discourse
This modification is usually called interactional modification. It means using the consistent and rhetorical pattern in introducing, defining, and illustrating new topics. Like in this interaction, the teacher asks the students to count the number of the words they have written until 53. Then the teacher asks to the students whose answer is 53. The teacher asks the students to write 53 in the white board. It is a continued step that leads the students to understand the topic about number. We can quote it in the video recorder transcription below.
Siswa : lima puluh tiga.
Guru : stop, berapa?
Siswa : lima puluh tiga
Guru : siapa yang merasa tadi isinya 53 ngacung? Yang tadi ngisinya 53 ngacung?
Guru : siapa yang berani nulis 53?
4.1 Conclusion
Based on the data above, we can see how the teacher makes her interaction to the students. We can know the characteristics of teacher talk and the input modification by analyzing the video recorder transcription. From that research the writer has known the interaction between the teachers to the students. It is almost all the characteristics and the input modification can be found in this research. The talk has clear separation of languages (no alteration or mixing), use of demonstration to convey meaning, new information presented in context of known information, using simple structure, avoiding complex structure, repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines, using repetitiveness, using paraphrase for variation, the talk is tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students, the talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, and playfulness. We also can find modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation, modification of morphology and syntax, modifications in vocabulary, and modifications in discourse.
In this learning activity the teacher repeats the use of some sentence patterns so the students don’t confuse about the teacher question. The teacher who changes learning target for making students being able to write 53 become continuing the number is very good technique. It is good way not blame the student who make mistake. Furthermore, she said that the student is clever although she did not do what teacher said to write 53, is also good technique in handle the class situation. It makes the students get more comprehension about number because the learning target is added naturally.
Yufrizal, Hery, M.A.,Ph.D. 2008. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Bandung: Pustaka Reka Cipta.
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