(a paper)
As a requirement to accomplish SLA Subject
Achmad Yudi Wahyudin
Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D.

The interaction plays an important role in the development of second language learning. The interaction, particularly which involves native speakers provides opportunities for nonnative speaker to gain comprehension input. The comprehensible input can be gained through the modification and negotiation of meaning with the native speakers. Nonnative speakers also have the opportunity to produce modification output by getting the responses from the speakers.
Since English is not easy, people try so many things in order to be able become proficiency in using it. Thus, they apply so many ways so that they are able to comprehend the meaning being said by the speaker. For example, it is the conversation between two speakers who have low ability in speaking English. Comprehensible input hypothesis was proposed on the basis that second language acquisition would occur if the learner obtains input one level beyond his/her current level of proficiency. Comprehensible output hypothesis works on the basis that second language acquisition takes place if learners are pushed to produce the target language.
Long (1980) studied the input and interaction features of native speakers’ talk to sixteen nonnative speakers contained a limited number of input modifications but extensive interactional structure of conversation were the most important and widely used way of making input comprehensible.
Negotiation of meaning is one of interaction in language acquisition. Negotiation of meaning appears to be an important element in facilitating learners to gain comprehensible input and to produce comprehensible input (Gass and Varonis, 1995). So, that is why the writer interest to conduct an analytical study about the negotiation of meaning in the students who have different ability. Where the research question as follows :
· How does the negotiation of meaning happen in different students?
A. The Concept of Input and Output
There are two important differences between comprehensible input and comprehended input. First, the former implies the speaker, rather than the hearer, controls the comprehensibility. With comprehended input, the focus is on the hearer (the learner) and the extent to which he or she understands. In Krashen’s sense of the word taken from Yufrizal (2007), comprehension is treated as a dichotomous variable; something is either understood or it is not. He was apparently using the most common meaning of the word, whereas in this sense we refer to comprehension as a continuum probabilities ranging from semantics to detailed structure analysis.
B. The Concept of Intake
Yufrizal (2007; 76) states that intake is the process of assimilating linguistic material; it refers to the mental activity that mediates input and grammar. Gass (1998) refers to intake as selective processing. Intake is not merely s subset of input. It is the intake component that psycholinguistic processing takes place. That is, it is where information is matched against prior knowledge and where, in general, processing takes place against the backdrop of the existing internalized grammatical rules.
C. The Concept of Integration
Gass and Slinker (1994) outlined four possibilities for the outcome of input. The first two take place in the intake component and result in integration, the third takes place in the integration component, and the fourth represents input that exist the system early in the process.
D. The Concept of Negotiation of Meaning in Interaction
Yufrizal (2007; p.80) states Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchange conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors. In this case, when native speakers (NSs) and non native speakers (NNSs) are involved in an interaction, both interact ants work together to solve any potential misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs, by checking each others’ comprehension, requesting clarification and confirmation and by repairing and adjusting speech (Pica, 1988).
Varonis and Gass (1985) proposed a simpler model for the exchanges that create negotiation of meaning. The model consists of four primes called:
a. Trigger (T) Which invokes or stimulates incomplete understanding on the part of the
b. Indicator (I), which is the hearer’s signal of incomplete understanding.
c. Response (R) is the original speaker’s attempt to clear up the unaccepted-input, and,
d. Reaction to the response (RR), which is an element that signals either the hearer’s acceptance or continued difficulty with the speaker’s repair. The model was elaborated into the following figure:
b. Indicator (I), which is the hearer’s signal of incomplete understanding.
c. Response (R) is the original speaker’s attempt to clear up the unaccepted-input, and,
d. Reaction to the response (RR), which is an element that signals either the hearer’s acceptance or continued difficulty with the speaker’s repair. The model was elaborated into the following figure:
Trigger Resolution
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E. The Roles of Negotiation of Meaning in Second Language Acquisition
Every researcher will have their own definitions and description of negotiation of meaning. It shows that interest in the study of negotiation of meaning has developed rapidly. Beside the forms and definition of negotiation of meaning, researchers also vary in their perception of the role of negotiation of meaning in second/foreign language acquisition. Pica (1996) admits that although there has been no empirical evidence of a direct link between negotiation of meaning and second/foreign language development, research studies in negotiation of meaning for the last two decades have shown that there are two obvious contribution of negotiation of meaning to second language acquisition. Firstly, through negotiation of meaning (particularly in interaction involving native speakers) nonnative speaker obtain comprehensible input necessary for second language acquisition much more frequently than in interactions without negotiation of meaning. Secondly, negotiation of meaning provides opportunities for non native speakers to produce comprehensible output necessary for second language acquisition much more frequently than in interactions without negotiation of meaning.
From the conversation that the writer has recorded, it can be conclude that there are some differences between the way high ability and low ability of students. Since English is not easy, people try so many things in order to be able become proficiency in using it. Thus, they apply so many ways so that they are able to comprehend the meaning being said by the speaker. For example, it is the conversation between two speakers who have low ability in speaking English:
A : I borrowed my sister’s comic last week
B : You borough my sister’s comic last week
A : No, I borrowed my sister’s comic last week
B : sorry you borough or borrowed my sister’s comic last week
A : I borough not I borrowed
B : Oooh,, You borrowed it
By observing this conversation, we can see that B has misunderstanding toward the words being said by A, and then B asks clarification from A. This way commonly happens in every circumstance where people try to communicate in English. That is what we call Negotiation of Meaning. But those errors are not totally broke the communication what the pioneer of education calls global errors. That ways is assumed as the technique to acquire the language by using the new system in order for easily to get the language.
It has been taken long time ago, people try to analyze how people negotiate the meaning when they found difficulties to grasp the meaning. So the analysis that has been done by the writer has proven the following theory:
Wagner (1996) in Yufrizal argues that interest in the study of interaction within the last two decades is partly due to consideration of the role of communication for second/foreign language acquisition. Second/ foreign language acquisition occurs especially when learners are engaged in the use of the language for communication. In this view interaction is treated as one of the most important aspects that influences the success or failure of second and/or foreign language acquisition. Pica, Kanagy, and Falodun (1993) claim that ‘language is best learned and taught through interaction’ (p.10). Long (1996) confirms that interactional modification leads to second language development and more active involvement in negotiated interaction leads to greater development.
According to the conversations that have been recorded by the writer,it can be analyzed that there are so many negotiation of meaning done by the speakers. They tried to clarify each words which probably difficult to be receipted so that the conversation can run well. It commonly happens with Indonesian’s students whereas English is a foreign language. Nevertheless, the writer believes that negotiation of meaning is a part of learning the language. That is one of ways to acquire the language directly, consciously/unconsciously.
As stated above there are Trigger (Sound that can make misunderstanding), Signal (Confirmation Check, Clarification Request), Response (Self Repetition), Follow up (statement showed understanding). They are symbol of negotiation of meaning.
(Dialogue Transcription)
DIALOGUE I : The Conversation between Male and Male (High Ability and Low Ability Student)
David : "Hello John, good morning!"
John : "O, hello David, good morning!"
David : "How are you today?"
John : " I'm fine, how about you?"
David : "Actually I'm getting better now, yesterday I got influence.
John : "O, hello David, good morning!"
David : "How are you today?"
John : " I'm fine, how about you?"
David : "Actually I'm getting better now, yesterday I got influence.
John : "O right, that's good, what’s up David? Is there any good news?
David : "Yes, actually I would like to invite you that next Saturday there will be a party in my home; my little brother is going to celebrate his birthday. So,will you come and join the party, David?"
David : "Yes, actually I would like to invite you that next Saturday there will be a party in my home; my little brother is going to celebrate his birthday. So,will you come and join the party, David?"
(T) John : "Sorry,,” Pardon!
(S)David : my little brother is going to celebrate his birthday. So, will you come and join the party, David?"
(TU) John : Of course, I will come to the party.
David : "Great! Thanks, now I have to go home, there will be a guest in my home, Good Bye!"
David : "Great! Thanks, now I have to go home, there will be a guest in my home, Good Bye!"
John : "You're welcome, bye!"
Trigger (T) : Sound that can make misunderstanding
Signal (S) : Confirmation Check, Clarification Request
Response (R) : Self Repetition
Follow up (TU) : statement showed understanding
DIALOGUE II : The Conversation between Male and Female
Nico : Why do you look so sad Rama?
Rama : Yeaah… I have to send some money to my sister in East Java
Rama : Yeaah… I have to send some money to my sister in East Java
Nico : Ouh you can go to bank, so what is the problem?
Rama : No, Nico, I don’t have an account
Nico : Emmmm, I think you need to go to post office, you can also send your money from there.
Rama : Really? Where’s the nearest post office here?
Nico : It’s near Takwa Mosque
(T)Rama : Pardon?
(R)Nico : Takwa Mosque
(S)Rama : Takwa Mosque?
Nico : Yes, from here you have to go straight until you find Polres Metro, and then you turn right, keep on move until you find the cross road then you turn left, and be on your way, on the left side you’ll find post office.
Rama : Would you mind to take me there?
Nico : Okay, but after we are from post office I want to show you my new
Trigger (T) : Sound that can make misunderstanding
Signal (S) : Confirmation Check, Clarification Request
Response (R) : Self Repetition
Follow up (TU) : statement showed understanding
Warning : You have to equip your computer with Media Player Classic or GOM Player to play the recorded sound
achmad yudi: SIR, I Have a problem of uploading my recorded conversation. I upload it in (.mp3) but the notification said that the problem always occurred while processing video.