Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

ANUGERAH DINING R (0813042018)






1.1 Background of the Problem
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study

2.1 Definition of Teacher Talk
2.2 Definition of Input Modification

3.1 Detailed Information of Recording
3.2 The transcription of Video
3.3 Research Analysis





1.1 Background of the Study

Teacher talk is particularly important to language teaching (Cook, 2000:144). According to pedagogical theory, the language that teachers use in classrooms determines to a larger degree whether a class will succeed or not. Many scholars found teacher talk makes up around 70% of classroom language (Cook, 2000; Chaudron, 1988; Zhao Xiaohong, 1998).Teachers pass on knowledge and skills organize teaching activities and help students practice through teacher talk. In English classrooms, teachers’ language is not only the object of the course, but also the medium to achieve the teaching objective. Both the organization of the classroom and the goal of teaching are achieved through teacher talk.

Most people learn a foreign language in classrooms. Classroom language is the chief source of foreign language learning and in some places the only source. It functions not only as a major source of language learning but also as a tool by which a foreign language is taught. We have not learnt enough about second language acquisition (SLA), but it is believed that the language that teachers address to L2 learners will to some degree influences language learning, although how and to what degree it influences language learning still remains unclear. Since a better understanding of the use of teachers’ language can undoubtedly help students improve their learning, and students can make a better use of teacher talk to learn the target language, it is necessary to do some research on teacher talk from both theoretical and practical perspective.

“Classroom process research, as Gaies (1983) calls the study of communication in the classroom, has taken different forms: interaction analysis; teacher talk; discourse analysis” (Ellis, 1985:143). All dimensions of classroom process, from giving instruction to questioning or disciplining students, providing the feedback, and involving teacher talk. The study about teacher talk becomes one of the most important parts of classroom research. Therefore, the writer tries to discuss about it more to give some knowledge that is needed for the specific purpose.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

This activity is done in one of the Kindergarten in Bandar Lampung, the writer analyze how the teacher makes interaction to her students. Based on the statement above, the writer tries to formulate the problem:
“How does the aspect of teacher talks occur in classroom interaction simulation of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Lampung Kindergarten in Bandar Lampung?”

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the research as below:
  • Identify how the teacher makes interaction to the students in teaching learning activity.



2.1 Definition of Teacher Talk

Teacher talk means that teachers address classroom language learners differently from the way that they address other kinds of classroom learners according to Ellis (1994). They make adjustments to both language form and language function in order to facilitate communication. These adjustments are referred to as “teacher talk”. Teacher talk is very important for both classroom teaching organization and students’ language learning in the process of foreign language learning and second language acquisition, because teacher talk is an instrument of implementing teaching plan.

Teacher talk is another variation of foreign talk in an educational setting. Study of teacher talk reveals how NS teachers communicate with NNS Students. Henzl was the first to gather empirical data on what she called Foreign Language Classroom Register (1973 p.207). Henzl compared features of texts recorded by Czech native speaker for adult native speakers with those recorded by the same native speakers for non-native speaker university learners of Chech.

Furthermore, Wong-Fillmore (1985) suggests that there are some characteristics of teacher talk that might work as input. They are as follow:
1. The talk has clear separation of language (no alteration or mixing).
2. The talk emphasizes on comprehension.
3. The language used is entirely grammatical.
4. The talk use tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students.
5. The talk has richness of language use, going beyond books, playfulness.

Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom activities (Feng Qican, 1999: 23). Teachers adopt the target language to promote their communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to encourage the communication between learners and themselves. Therefore we can say teacher talk is a kind of communication based or interaction-based talk.

2.2 Input Modification

Modifications by native speakers occur at the level of linguistic and interaction. Chaudron (1988) has outlined the modification made by the teachers in terms of: speech rate, phonology, intonation, articulation of vocabulary, modification of syntax, and modification of discourse. Wensche (1944), summarizes the modification in term of speech rate, phonology and prosody, vocabulary, and modification in vocabulary. Pica (1994) also summarizes modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation; modification in word choice and frequency of use, modification of utterance length and structural complexity, modification in organization and elaboration of information; modification in proportions of questions, statement, and imperatives. These types of modifications are elaborated below:

Types of modification:

1. Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
Pica (1994) states that two features had been of special interest in research on rate of speech: reduced number of words per minute and increased length of pauses. Exaggerated intonation, more careful articulation, and reduction of vowel and consonant clusters, fewer constructions of verb phrase constituent often accompany the slower rate of speech.

2. Modification of morphology and syntax
From the complexity of syntax, the following characteristics of modifications were identified:
a. There is a shorter average length of T-units in input directed to NNSs than is found in NS-NS interactions, but there is no significant different in the number of S-nodes per T-unit ( Long,1981)
b. Modified interaction does not produce the syntactically simplified and modified input described in the earlier descriptive studies input.
c. There is a wide variety of sentence types (i.e., statements, imperatives, and questions), but the sentences are not more or less complex.
d. Modified interactions may produce syntactically more complex, longer, and more repetitive input than nonmodified interaction.

3. Modifications in vocabulary
According to Chaudron (1998) the most common, measure used to investigate vocabulary modifications is the ratio of number of different words to number of words produced (“type token”- smaller the ratio, the less diverse).

4. Modifications in discourse.
Modifications at this level are also called interactional modifications. Some studies been able to identify the discourse features of interaction both in one way and two way interactional discourse between NSs and NSSs, have and for interactions between NNS in and out of classroom.



3.1 Detail Information of Recording

Day/Date of Recording  : Monday/ April, 25th 2011
Time                             : 08.00 a.m
School                          : Kindergarten of Dharma Wanita Unila,Bandar Lampung

3.2 The Transcription of the Video

Teacher       : Ayo anak-anak kita tepuk sunyi dulu ya..siap..
Students      : Siap, Bu….
Teacher       : Tepuk sunyi…!!!!
Students      : Haup…..!!
Teacher       : Siapa yang tadi berangkat sekolah.. keluar dari rumah baca doa?
Students      : Saya…saya, Bu…
Teacher       : Doa keluar rumah…..
Students      : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim…..Bismillahi tawakkaltu ‘alallah walaa’hau’la wala quwata illa billah
Teachers     : Siapa tadi yang berangkat sekolah naik motor?
Students      : Saya…
Teachers     : Naik mobil?
Students      : Saya….
Teacher       : Naik angkot?
Students      : ……..
Teacher       : Baca doa gak waktu naik motor atau mobil?
Students      : Baca….
Teacher       : Yuk sama-sama baca doa naik kendaraan…
Students      : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi majreehaa wa mursaahaa inna Robie laghafuurahiim…
Teacher       : Tadi malam siapa yang tidur jam 8?
Students      : Saya…
Teacher       : Siapa yang tidur jam 9??
Students      : Saya…
Teachers     : Tadi malam kalo mau tidur baca doa gak?
Students      : Baca…
Teachers     : Yuk, doa mau tidur??
Students      : Bismillahirohmanirrohim. Bismika allahuma ahya wa bismika amut.
Teachers     : Doa bangun tidur?
Students      : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Alhamdu lillaahilladzie ahyaana ba’da maa amaatana wa ilaihin nusyuur…
Teachers     : Wah sekarang udah pada hapal ya…
                     Kalo mau pipis, masuk ke WC baca doa gak?
Students      : Gak tau, Bu..
Teacher       : Ibu baca, nanti kalian ikutin ya…
                     Bismillahirrahmanirrahii. Allaahumma innii a’uudzu bika minal khubutsi wal khabaitsi…Yuk
                     ikutin ibu..
T and S       : Bismillahirrahmanirrahii. Allaahumma innii a’uudzu bika minal khubutsi wal khabaitsi…
Teacher       : Sekali lagi..doa masuk WC..
T and S       : Bismillahirrahmanirrahii. Allaahumma innii a’uudzu bika minal khubutsi wal khabaitsi…
Teacher       : Iya, pintar semua, sekarang doa turun hujan….
Students      : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim…Allahumma toyyiban nafiia’...
Teachers     : Siapa yang masih hapal doa masuk rumahnya, yuk sama-sama ya, doa masuk rumah…..
Students      : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi walajnaa wa Bismillahi kharajnaa waa’alallahi rabbinaa tawakkalna…
Teachers     : Nah sekarang siapa yang berani sendiri????
Ayu             : Saya, saya, Bu…
Teacher       : Iya Ayu, maju ke depan..
                     Ayo siapa lagi yang berani??.. Iya..ya ibu tunjuk ya, Hera sama Angga maju..
Angga         : Gak hapal, Bu…
Teachers     : Ya..nanti ibu bantu…Doa masuk rumah
Hera, Angga, Teacher : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi walajnaa wa Bismillahi kharajnaa waa’alallahi rabbinaa tawakkalna…
Teacher       : Ayo, siapa lagi?
Students      : Saya, saya, Bu…..
Teacher       : Reno berdiri sama Tika….Doa masuk rumah…
Reno and Tika : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi walajnaa wa Bismillahi kharajnaa waa’alallahi rabbinaa tawakkalna…
Teacher      : Semuanya…
Students     : Bersiap…..
Teacher      : Kakinya…
Students     : Rapat..
Teacher      : Mulutnya…
Students     : Tutup…
Teachers    : Sekarang..tepuk anak sholeh!!!!
Students     : Aku…anak sholeh…rajin sholat..rajin ngaji..Insyaallah di tangan- Mu orang tua dihormati..ibu guru dihormati…teman-teman disayangi…Laillahaillahu muhammadarrasulullah…Yeeee…
Teacher      : Yuk, sekali lagi…doa masuk rumah…
Students     :Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi walajnaa wa Bismillahi kharajnaa waa’alallahi rabbinaa  tawakkalna…
Teacher      : Ada yang belum hafal..ibu guru baca satu kali, kalian satu kali ya.. Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi walajnaa wa... Bismillahi kharajnaa waa’alallahi rabbinaa tawakkalna…
Teacher     : Nah sekarang kalian, yuk..satu…dua..tiga…
Students    : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim….Bismillaahi walajnaa wa
Bismillahi kharajnaa waa’alallahi rabbinaa tawakkalna…
Teacher     : Ayo sekarang kita berhitung….
T and S     : Wahidun satu, isnaini dua, tsalasatun tiga, arbaatun empat, khomsatun lima………..
Teacher     : Semuanya…
Students    : Bersiap…..
Teacher     : Kakinya…
Students    : Rapat..
Teacher     : Mulutnya…
Students    : Tutup…
T and S     : Tangan ke atas, tangan ke samping, tangan ke depan, duduk dengan manis….
Teacher    : Tepuk sunyi….
Students   : Haup…
Teacher    : Tepuk sunyi…
Students   : Haup
Teacher    : Sekali lagi..Tepuk sunyi…
Students   : Haup…
Teacher    : Jadi jangan ada yang ngobrol lagi ya…
Students   : Iya, Bu…

3.3 Research Analysis

The Analysis of Transcription of the Video

From the transcription of video above, the writer can gather some characteristics of teacher talk that might work as input in the Kindergarten of Dharma Wanita Unila classroom, as Wong-Fillmore (1985) suggests:

1. The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by:

Using simple structure, and avoiding complex structures.
For example:

Teacher  : Tadi malam siapa yang tidur jam 8?
Students :Saya…
Teacher  : Siapa yang tidur jam 9??
Students : Saya…

Repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines
For example:

Teacher : Tepuk sunyi….
Students: Haup…
Teacher : Tepuksunyi…
Students: Haup
Teacher : Sekali lagi..Tepuk sunyi…
Students: Haup…

2. The talk has clear separation of language (no alteration or mixing).
For example:

Teachers: Semuanya sekarang baca doa turun hujan….
Students: Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim…Allahumma toyyiban nafiia’...

3. The talk emphasizes on comprehension, it focuses on communication by:

Use of demonstration, enactment to convey meaning
For example:
Teacher : Ayo sekarang kita berhitung….
Students: Wahidun satu, isnaini dua, tsalasatun tiga, arbaatun empat, khomsatun lima.
Teacher : Semuanya…
Students: Bersiap…..
Teacher : Kakinya…
Students: Rapat..
Teacher : Mulutnya…
Students: Tutup…
T and S : Tangan ke atas, tangan ke samping, tangan ke depan, duduk dengan manis….

4. The talk use tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students.
For example:

Teachers: Nah sekarang siapa yang berani sendiri????
Ayu       : Saya, saya, Bu…
Teacher : Iya Ayu, maju ke depan..

Besides the characteristics of the teacher talk, there are also some of input modifications. They are:

a. Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
In this modification Pica states two features had been of special interest in search on rate of speech: reduces number of word per minute and increased length of pauses. From the teacher interaction to the students, the teacher reduced number of word.

For example:
Siapa tadi yang berangkat sekolah naik motor? Naik mobil? Naik angkot? Baca doa gak waktu naik motor? Yuk, sama-sama baca doa naik kendaraan!!! The teacher also uses pauses in every word in order to make the students responding what the teacher says. She does it more frequently. Her intonation is good. She gives the stress for the important words, so the students understand what she means. Like in this conversation, “Ayo siapa lagi yang berani??..Sekarang ibu tunjuk ya, Hera sama Angga maju ke depan, “iya nanti ibu bantu, yuk doa masuk rumah”.

b. Modification of Morphology and Syntax
From the complexity of syntax, the following characteristics of modification were indentified:
1. There is a shorter average length of T-unit: in this interaction teacher just use simple word so that the student can understand it easily. For example, “yuk sekali lagi, doa masuk rumah..”Ayo sekarang kita berhitung, wahidun satu…isnaini dua…”
2. There is a wide variety of sentences types, (i.e, statement, imperatives, and questions) but the sentences are not more or less complex. For example,
Statement    : “Ibu baca dulu satu kali nanti kalian satu kali ya..”
Imperative   : “Nah sekarang kalian, yuk..satu…dua..tiga…
                     “Ayo sekarang kita berhitung”
Questions    : “Tadi malam waktu mau tidur baca doa gak?
                     “Siapa yang berani sendiri?”

c. Modifications in vocabulary
The most common measure used investigate vocabulary modifications is the ratio of number different words to number of words produced (type-token, smaller the ratio, the less diverse). In this interaction the teacher just uses the simple vocabulary. There is no phrasal idiom.

d. Modification of discourse
This modification is usually called interactional modification. It means using the consistent and rhetorical pattern in introducing, defining, and illustrating new topics. Like in this interaction, the teacher introducing new topic about the prayer of entering toilet. The teacher shows it by reading its prayer in front of the students. So, the students can know and follow her to read its prayer.. For example, “Kalo mau pipis, masuk ke WC baca doa gak? Ibu baca, nanti kalian ikutin ya..”



Based on the explanation about teacher talk, firstly we can see that teacher talk in English classrooms is regarded as one special variety of the English language, so it has its own specific features which other varieties do not share. Because of the restriction of the physical setting, special participants as well as the goal of teaching, teacher talk has its own special style.

Secondly, we can see that teacher talk is a special communicative activity. Its goal is to communicate with students and develops students’ foreign language proficiency. Teachers adopt the target language to promote their communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to encourage the communication between learners and themselves.

Based on the data above, we can see how the teacher makes her interaction to the students. There are some of the input modifications that do occur in that interaction such as, modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation, modification of morphology and syntax, modification of discourse. And from that research the writer has known the interaction between the teachers to the students. The teacher has used clear separation of languages, so the students can understand it easily. The language used is entirely grammatical, appropriate to the activity by: using simple structure, and avoiding complex structures, repeating the use of some sentence patterns or routines. The teacher has emphasized on comprehension, it focuses on communication by: use of demonstration, enactment to convey meaning. And the talk use tailoring of elicitation questions to allow for different levels of participation from students.


Yufrizal, Hery, M.A.,Ph.D. 2008. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Bandung: Pustaka Reka Cipta.
MA Xiao-yan. 2006. Teacher Talk and EFL in University Classrooms. School of Foreign Languages and Literature Chongqing Normal University & Yangtze Normal University, China.

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