Mirwan Saputra

1.1 Background of The Problem
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by interlocutor. It implies that negotiation of meaning is very important because it helps us to understand and be understood (Yufrizal, 2008). Furthermore, Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated moves. The moves are trigger, signal, response, and follow-up moves. Trigger is defined as an utterance or portion of utterance on the part of the speaker, which results in some indications of non-understanding on the part of the hearer. Signal is an indication of non-understanding on the part of the hearer. Signal can be classified into two signals. The signals are signal of clarification request and signal of confirmation check. Response is the reaction to the signals. Response can be classified into nine responses. They are switch to a new topic, repetition of trigger, modification of trigger, repetition of indicator, confirm indicator, inability to respond, ignore indicator, and response unnecessary. Follow-up is the reply that is given in the case that trigger has been understood by hearer or it is an indication of understanding on the part of the hearer.
From explanation above, we find out that signal and response can be classified into some kinds of signal and response. But, we do not know yet which signal and response that are more frequently used in negotiation of meaning in a conversation. For this reason, the researcher conducted a research to find out which signal and response that are more frequently used in negotiation of meaning in a conversation titled An Analysis of Signal and Response in the Negotiation of Meaning conducted in Conversation between upper and lower students.
1.2 Research Problem
Considering the background above, the researcher formulates the problem of research as stated: Which signal and response are more frequently used in the negotiation of meaning conducted in conversation between two students?
1.3 The objective of the research
As stated in the background and the problem of the research, the researcher states that the objective of this research is:
To find out which signal and response are more frequently used in the negotiation of meaning conducted in conversation two students.
1.4 The uses of the research
The researcher describes the uses of research as follows:
1. Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to confirm and clarify the previous theories about negotiation of meaning.
2. Practically, the results of this research can be used as an alternative consideration in developing second language acquisition which gives positive implication in teaching foreign language.
1.5 The Objects of The Research
The objects of this research are four students of Lampung University that chosen randomly without have any criteria. They are:
2. Bill Susanto : a student of Mathematic Education Study Program, Lampung University in the sixth semester.
3. Mirwan Saputra : researcher, a student of English Department, Lampung University in the sixth semester.
4. Ina Mutmainah : a student of English Department, Lampung University in the fourth semester.
5. Ayu Nurjannah : a student of English Department, Lampung University in the fourth semester.
6. Ani Meitika Sari : a student of English Department, Lampung University in the fourth semester.
2.1 Negotiation of meaning in interactions
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by interlocutor. It implies that negotiation of meaning is very important because it helps us to understand and be understood. Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated moves. The moves are trigger, signal, response, and follow-up moves.
Van den Branden (1997) divides the negotiation of meaning into two elements: indicator and response. The indicator includes clarification request, confirmation request with trigger unmodified, confirmation request with trigger modified, non verbal indicator. The response includes Inability to respond confirm indicator, repetition of trigger, modification of trigger, modification of indicator, ignore indicator, response unnecessary, repetition of indicator, switch to a new topic.
2.2 The procedures of the research
The procedures of the research are stated below:
1. The researcher defines task: information gap in the picture
2. The teacher chooses the object: two boys and two girls.
3. The researcher asks the target to interact based on the task that is given.
4. The researcher records the conversation conducted between boy and girl, girl and girl, and boy with boy.
5. The researcher transcribes the record of conversation
6. The researcher codes the transcript
7. The researcher quantifies the record
8. The researcher analyzes the negotiation of meaning.
Data that is analyzed by using Tally Sheet. The reason of the researcher uses Tally Sheet is Tally Sheet has many advantages. The advantages are stated below:
1. Objective
2. Good for observer to use while watching class
3. Good for self-analysis by teacher
4. Easy to compare different interaction categories
5. Easy to focus on specific elements
6. Orients one’s mind set as observer
7. Visual presentation – easy to overview.
3.1 Tapescript of Conversation
3.1.1. Conversation between Mirwan (Boy) and Ani (Girl) (08:38)
Mirwan : Ok, How are you Ani?
Ani : Ooo fine, how about you?
Mirwan : Very well, by the way lets see this picture, on my opinion this picture is
about graduation party.
Ani : Graduation!
Mirwan : He…… graduation party.
Ani : I think so.
Mirwan : in one a . . . school. Because if I see in this picture, a… all of the participant
member in this ceremony a…. have same age. Yes because. . .
Ani : Really?
Mirwan : Yes because, a.. . you can see from their face, hair and their costume.
Ani : Ha ha ha
Mirwan : They have same and their friend. May be it is a....... their gaduation from
senior high school. You can see that there are some kind of cake and may be
their attitude for example. And they talk so close so i can conclude that they
are have known each other well.
Ani : Well actually, do you know how many people are there?
Mirwan : O my god I should count it. One.....
Ani : I have counted it. How about you?
Mirwan : Can you help me?
Ani : Fourtheen.
Mirwan : Fourtheen. so....
Ani : Do you think a..... it is small or big, small or big?
Mirwan : Having it....a..may be the... half of class.
Ani : Ooooo
Mirwan : Half of class. As we know that although they a.....student in one school, but
not all of them have a good relationship. May be it is kind of community or
may be we can call gang in that school.
Ani : Huh....?
Mirwan : Group......gang something like a....negative a....gang.
Mirwan : a......
Ani : But you net on the table only.... one two three four five, only five ...... five
glasses? Oh.....
Mirwan : He he he
Ani : How about a.....other person of people, other person who will ...... drink the
ice at that time?
Mirwan : You can see one of the member in that picture hold one glasses. May be
a......a.......most of the member in this picture have drink and they have wash
Ani : Oh my god
Mirwan : He...he..he
Ani : That is good idea.
Mirwan : Ok, do you agree about my opinion that this picture describe about
a...graduation ceremony or do you have any interuption? about
Ani : Idea..?
Mirwan : Hem..
Ani : My
Mirwan : Because if we want to say that it is a birthday party, of course it is
imposibble becasue there is no a...birthday cake on the table.
Ani : Ok... and balloon. But i think it is a party,may be only a simple party. No
one birthday party. But...... apa yah? Yah.... annual party or three month..
Mirwan : how did your experience if you have do the same ceremonial like in this
Ani : Hem.....
Mirwan : When you, you still young in the past?
Ani : Hee.... but i still young. I still young now!
Mirwan : Just kidding, because all of us now in the university. Means that we have
passed our a.. teenage age. Something like that.
Ani : Hem....i ever, i ever seen that over in my garduation. But only piece...some
of my friend can could come at that. Came as different.
Mirwan : How the participant at that party, All of women? Or you invite your
boyfriend? He he he
Ani : Hoho no only only a member of the clas, yes in senior high school.
Mirwan : Ok, did you...a... topic that always the member discuss in that
Ani : Because they are different different college, but it means that my friend,
aaaa i have many friend who have married.
Mirwan : Wow amazing.
Ani : Some times we were talking about.....
Mirwan : Your children....
Ani : College no.....children
Mirwan : Ok, what is your opinion about may be...get get married in a...young age?
He he
Ani : O.... i remember. I ‘ve ever meet a.. essay about young marriage, young
marriage.... apa gitu.. lupa aku.
Mirwan : So you discuss about the positive one or the negative one?
Ani : There are many positive article. I think
Mirwan : Ok, it means that you have a...held, for held the party like in this picture
in..........when you are in university? Or when you are still in... when you
were still in senior high school?
Ani : When i am in university.
Mirwan : Ok, is there any an objection abot the picture? Because the picture is so
complicated ithink
Ani : Ya complicated.
Mirwan : You can see that all the member in that party, a......... all their their cheerful
face. It means that the party..a...ha ha ha everybody can conclude. The
member of party feel so happy. They they gather in that occassion a... that
Ani : So that actualy you know that i focus on the ....on ...
Mirwan : The food ha ha
Ani : On the table actually.
Mirwan : Ok i can guess that, we always call it as martabak because....
Ani : Lapis Legit? not Cheese?
Mirwan : is look like martabak.
Ani : Lapis Legit, how about beside Lapis Legit one?
Mirwan : I don’t know, it is like indonesian fruit, may be Durian.
Ani : Durian?
Mirwan : Can you guess?
Ani : Melon!
Mirwan : What?
Ani : Melon!
Mirwan : No. May be it is fried Chicken. Ha...ha...ha...
Ani : Fried Chicken? He...he..he.. oh my god. May be it is kind of fruite. But i
don’t know kind of the cake.
Mirwan : Ok i think it is enough for discussion about this picture. Because all of the
item in this picture have been discussed. You get it? Assalamu’alaikum.... we
can get we same event same like in this picture. May be to
Ani : When?
Mirwan : No.... may we can make our class more solid we can hold this party. May be
after we follow the final examinition.
Ani : Oh
Mirwan : Do you agree with my opinion?
Ani : Of course. How about bech?
Mirwan : Hah?
Ani : How about bech. not indoor like that.
Mirwan : Beec?
Ani : Bech.
Mirwan :Can you repeat?
Ani : Bech. B - E – C . . .
Mirwan : Beec?
Ani : Bech
Mirwan : Beach?
Ani : Oh ya sorry sorry
Mirwan : In the beach.? O ya, you say about the place?
Ani : Yes
Mirwan : In the beach? I think it is good enough.
Ani : Not indoor like thit
Mirwan : Ya....
Ani : Like this like this.
Mirwan : May be in a week. Because I have gone there and have good preparation.
Ok ithink enogh. Bye bye.
3.1.2. Conversation between Ayu (Girl) and Ina (Girl) (06:19)
Ayu : Hello, you see? Do you see? The picture in this paper?
Ina : Yes there are many cereal, meat, rice and
Ayu : This is food?
Ina : Yes food.
Ayu : What is this?
Ina : Oh this, like a ball?
Ayu : Orange?
Ina : Ya this is orange. I think it is orange. How about this? The only one.
Ayu : Wait a minute, candies may be?
Ina : No, sometimes..
Sir,,I'll try to upload the complete one tomorrow, since I have tried to upload it, the result was still like these, UNCOMPLETE..