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English Education Study Program
Arts and Language Education Department
School of Education and Pedagogy
University of Lampung
This paper is constructed to fulfill a requirement of Second Language Acquisition subject. It contained an analyses of some talks which then, is directed to an exploration toward the negotiation of meaning occurred in the language used in the talks.
This paper is constructed to fulfill a requirement of Second Language Acquisition subject. It contained an analyses of some talks which then, is directed to an exploration toward the negotiation of meaning occurred in the language used in the talks.
There are three talks to be analyzed, with two persons taking role as the addresser and the addressee respectively. Each of the talk has about three minute’s duration. All of them use the same language that is Javanese. The first is a male-to-female talk. Meanwhile the second is a male-to-male talk. And the last is a female-to-female talk.
Due to lack of experience and knowledge possessed by the writer, it is obvious that this analysis is still far from perfection. Thus, the writer is pleased looking for any suggestion and criticism from the readers.
Littlewood's highly influential 1981 volume on communicative language teaching will be taken here to represent this mainstream viewpoint. In 1981 Littlewood advocated a progression from 'pre-communicative' to 'communicative' activities involving various forms of interactive language practice. His underlying view of the psychology of language learning was that systematic language practice is crucial, as it was in the otherwise discredited behaviourist model of learning. But he also believed that practice should progressively emphasize relevance over repetition. That is to say, that practice activities should progressively come closer and closer and closer to imitating 'real-life' language use (a feature also found, it might be noted, if in a less developed form, in the work of such 'behaviourist' writers as Lado (1964)). The general notion of 'negotiation' (loosely defined as 'discussion to reach agreement') will be involved, therefore, only if 'negotiation' is itself seen as a type of 'real-life' language use that is relevant to the learning purposes of the learners.
Interaction plays an important role in the development of second language learning. The interaction, particularly that which involves native speakers provides opportunities for nonnative speaker to gain comprehensible input.
Interaction is very important in acquiring a language, because without interaction someone would never acquire a language. Long (1981, 1982) said that comprehensible input is not enough for language acquisition. Learners need to interact with native speaker. Long’s study found that the native speaker talk to nonnative speaker contained a limited number of input modifications but extensive interactional adjustment.
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors.We can see, when native speakers (NS) and non native speakers (NNS) are involved in an interaction, both interact ants work together to solve any potential misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs.
In order to solve their misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs, we can solve them by checking each others’ comprehensions, requesting clarifications and confirmation and by repairing and adjusting speech (Pica, 1988). Pica et al (1989) also suggest that negotiation of meaning basically consist of four interrelated moves. They are trigger:
- Trigger (T)
- Signal (S)
- Response (R), and
- Follow Up (F).
That is the purpose of the writer to find out how many those interrelated moves are used during a conversation of negotiation of meaning. There will be three conversations of negotiation of meaning whose the duration of each of them is five minutes.
2.1 The role of Communication in Second Language Acquisition
Long (1981, 1982) says comprehensible input is not enough for language acquisition. Learners need to interact with native speakers. The hypothesis advances two major claims about second language acquisition:
- Comprehensible input is necessary for acquisition.
- Modifications to the interactional structure of conversation in the process of negotiating solutions to communication problem helps in making input comprehensible to learners (Long, 1985)
2.2 Negotiation of Meaning
Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addressees to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors. In this case, when native speakers (NSs) and non native speakers (NNSs) are involved in an interaction, both interactants work together to solve any potential misunderstanding or non understanding that occurs, by checking each others’ comprehension, requesting clarification and confirmation and by repairing and adjusting speech (Pica, 1988).
Varonis and Gass (1985) proposed a simpler model for the exchanges that create negotiation of meaning. The model consist of four primes called:
- Trigger (T) which invokes or stimulates incomplete understanding on the part of the hearer,
- Indicator (I), which is the hearers’ signal of incomplete understanding,
- Response (R) is the original speaker’s attempt to clear up the unaccepted-input,
- Reaction to the responce (RR), which is an element that signals either the hearer’s acceptance or continued difficulty with the speaker’s repair.
The two model by Pica and Doughty (1985) and Gass and Varonis (1985) have stimulated some researchers to investigate the relationship between communication tasks and the patterns of interaction which have resulted from the activities. The two models also suggest that in an interactional modification or negotiation, there ate at least two different moves: the move of signals and the move of reaction to the signal (repair or modification). Pica et al (1989) suggest that negotiations of meaning basically consist of four interrelated moves. The moves are trigger, signal, response, and follow-up moves.
Ø There are five communicative tasks which can be used by the teacher in many different ways to promote negotiation:
a) Jigsaw task
b) Information gap task
c) Problem solving task
d) Decision making task
e) Information exchange task
3.1 Conversation I (Female-Female)
Person : F = Fetrisia
M = Mey
F : Hi mey!
M : What are you doing here?
F : emmm… I’m finding for someone..
M : oouu.. Who is he ?
F : Do you know Dicky Kurniawan? (Trigger)
M : Dicky? Ou.. Dicky Charlan Kurniawan? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
F : You know who is he?
M : He is one of the English department student in University of Lampung.
F : Yes of course. Actually I haven’t met with him. Have u ever seen how is his appearance?
M : Yes. He is tall
F : Tall? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
M : Aha.. Yes! (Respond) He has chubby cheek.
F : And then?(signal)
M : and then.. he has white skin, actually. (Follow Up)
F : No.. aahh?? Is he like pork? (Trigger)
M : Noo… hahaha
F : Because u said, chubby cheek, white skin…
M : Haha.. he looks like Chinese people actually
F : O.. I know that. He has “sipit: eyes. Small ayes
M : Yes.. small eyes
F : Ouu.. I think that dicky same like baba ashong..
M : O.. yes!
F : Who sell gold. Like necklace gold in pasar tengah. You know? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
M : Yes I know. (Respond, Confirmation check) I do agree with u.
F : oh yah and then what about his attitude? Is it good or bad? (Trigger)
M :Actually, he is a good friend, he is really nice people
F : nice? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
M : ho’oh.. he has so many friends in the class.
F : Wait..wait.. he has many friends, are they men or women ? (Trigger)
M : Actually most of his friends are women
F : Women? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
M : yes..
F : Why is it so? (Trigger)
M : I dunno, maybe because most of the English students are women. The men in the class only about ten people.
F : Ten ? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
M : eheeeemm..
F : But, do u know why I ask about him? (Trigger)
M : No. Is he ur boyfriend? (Trigger)
F : No, actually. He is not my boyfriend!
M : So why do you want to see him ?
F : Because my friend, Rahmat Nurudin wants to meet him.
M : Rahmat Nurudin?
F : Yes. Because Rahmat wanna have a conversation with him. They want to make something like program in campus.
M : What kind of event that u want to make with him? (Trigger)
F : Something like BBQ for ikhwan. Dicky is ikhwan, u know
M : Dicky is ikhwan?
F : Yes. Rahmat told me that dicky is ikhwan.
3.2 Conversation II (Male-Female)
Person : D = Dicky
R = Rinni
D : emm.. u know the boy in our class called hadi? (Trigger)
R : Yes.. She.. She or he, sih? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
D : He..
R : Oh yes. I know hadi. Hadi is the boy that usually uses yellow t-shirt.
D : I think, she…
R : She????
D : Ouu.. Sorry!
R : You just said it she..
D : Sorry. Something that comes up to my mind when we talk about hadi is “she”. Sorry, Hadi!
R : He heard that. He now angry!
D : He always uses the colorful clothes, like yellow.
R : Pink..
D : Yes, pink. (Respond, Self Repetition) Light blue.. just like that. U know. But actually he is a good friend.
R : Yes.. he always…hmmh
D : he always what?
R : He always.. ouu I forget what I want to say.
D : hahaha.. hey, ,,when he asked me to accompany him to go somewhere, he showed his kindness by treating me.
R : treat? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
D : Yes. He always treats me. You have to go out with himn u’ll be treated by him. Solaria… sumbrah..
R : he always pay all?
D : Of course.. of course he has a lot of money because he works in a ‘bonafit’ institution. EF. U know EF? (Trigger)
R : He teaches there? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
D : Yes. He has two million rupiahs for his salary. (Follow Up)
R : Oh.. I will send him a message and ask him to treat me at the cinema.
D : OH.. hahaha.. I think we have to invite all our friends to hangout with Hadi.
R : Yes. Nobar.. (Follow Up)
D : Yeah.. he should pay all the tickets.
R : And the transportation.
D : Yes. Haha. He has to pick up one by one with his old motorcycle? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
R : Yes of course. Haha(Signal)
D : he is good friend(Signal)
R : Rich friend. (Follow Up)
D : Yes. Haha. Rich friend. So everyone who watch this video u have to ask hadi to treat u.
R : I do agree with you, dicky! Hey, I have an idea. (Signal)
D : What is it? (Trigger)
R : I will announce it to the NERD wall about our plan, (Follow Up)
D : Hahaha.. I do agree with you..
3.3 Conversation III (Male-Male)
Persons : H=Hadhi
D= Dicky
H: Looking for this picture, but I think the two pictures are different. Do you think so? (Trigger)
D: yes you can see. The first aaa the first, aa second picture looks messy right? So much pictures there. You can see the armpit of the boy? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
H: The armpit. (Respond)
D: Armpit. (Respond, Self Repetition)
H: Oh my God!! Hhahaa (Follow Up)
D: Look... (Trigger)
H: So many hairs there? (Signal, Comprehension Check)
D: So many hairs there... (Respond, Self Repetition)
H: Oh my God (Follow Up)
D: For the first picture there is no.
H: Clean armpit. And then the next one. Here Wait, There is no pict.. In the picture. What is this? Is it a helicopter? oo ya it is a helicopter. (Trigger)
D: But it is looks.. ehemm (Signal)
H: ya there is a helicopter for picture number two and this one there is a helicopter and then for the picture number one, there is no picture of helicopter. (Respond, Self Expression)
D: and then for the aa first picture, I think aa there is no, a there are no teeth. There teeth in.. (Trigger)
H: Ya. (Signal)
D: for the second picture aa the boy has a two teeth. (Trigger)
H: ya two teeth, the color are white. (Signal, Comprehension Check)
D: Yes. (Follow Up)
H: the next one here aa on the picture number two (Trigger)
D: hahhaaaa
H: Look at the boy. (Trigger)
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