Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Second Languange Acquisition - Baby Talk by Rizki Mitra Amalia

Second Language Acquisition

Baby Talk

Rizki Mitra Amalia








Chapter I Introduction   .......................................................  2
    1.1 Definition of Baby Talk    ………………………   2
    1.2 How Do Children Acquire Language?    ………........   2

Chapter II Data Transcription   ……………………......  3

Chapter III Data Analysis    …………………………….....  6  

Chapter IV Conclusion    …………………………………….   9



1.1. Definition of Baby Talk

Baby talk also referred to as caretaker speech, infant-directed speech (IDS) or child-directed speech (CDS) and informally as "motherese", "parentese", or "mommy talk", is a nonstandard form of speech used by adults in talking to toddlers and infants. It is usually delivered with a "cooing" pattern of intonation different from that of normal adult speech: high in pitch, with many glissando variations that are more pronounced than those of normal speech. Baby talk is also characterized by the shortening and simplifying of words. Baby talk is similar to what is used by people when talking to their pets (pet-directed speech), and between adults as a form of affection, intimacy, bullying or condescension.

1.2. How Do Children Acquire Language?
Children acquire language quickly, easily, and without effort or formal teaching. It happens automatically, whether their parents try to teach them or not.
Although parents or other caretakers don't teach their children to speak, they do perform an important role by talking to their children. Children who are never spoken to, will not acquire language. And the language must be used for interaction with the child; for example, a child who regularly hears language on the TV or radio but nowhere else will not learn to talk.

Children acquire language through interaction - not only with their parents and other adults, but also with other children. All normal children who grow up in normal households, surrounded by conversation, will acquire the language that is being used around them. And it is just as easy for a child to acquire two or more languages at the same time, as long as they are regularly interacting with speakers of those languages.

The special way in which many adults speak to small children also helps them to acquire language. Studies show that the 'baby talk' that adults naturally use with infants and toddlers tends to always be just a bit ahead of the level of the child's own language development, as though pulling the child along. This 'baby talk' has simpler vocabulary and sentence structure than adult language, exaggerated intonation and sounds, and lots of repetition and questions. All of these features help the child to sort out the meanings, sounds, and sentence patterns of his or her language.



This chapter provides the example of baby talk that the writer managed to record. The participants in this video are father and his son. The baby’s name is Bagas. He is 3 years old. This video was recorded on Sunday, April 24th 2011 in their house when Bagas was drawing.

This one is a video with duration approximately four minutes.


Ayah   : “Bagas, Ayah tanya deh.. Bagas mau sekolah nggak?”
Bagas  : “Mau..”
Ayah   : “Kalau sekolah, pengen punya temen enggak?”
Bagas  : “Pengen..”
Ayah   : “Temennya laki apa perempuan?”
Bagas  : “Perempuan..”
Ayah   : “Perempuan? Kalau temen laki mau juga nggak?”
Bagas  : “Mau juga.. buat temen perempuan yang laki..”
Ayah   : “Gimana.. gimana??”
Bagas  : “Temen perempuan buat temen yang laki..”
Ayah   : “Ooh gitu.. kalau Bagas lebih suka temen perempuan apa temen laki-laki?”
Bagas  : “Ujan..” (keep drawing)
Ayah   : “Hem? .. Bagas lebih suka kayak Mbak Sila gitu atau kayak Mas Odi?”
Bagas  : “Kayak Mas Odi..”
Ayah   : “Kenapa kok kayak Mas Odi? Mas Odi kan berarti laki-laki.”
Bagas  : …
Ayah   : “Kenapa kok lebih suka…”
Bagas  : “Kayak Mbak Sila..”
Ayah   : “Emm.. Kalau laki-laki bias main bola bareng gitu ya?”
Bagas  : “Yosss..”
Ayah   : “Emm.. terus terus.. terus.. di sekolah Bagas maunya main apa?”
Bagas  : …
Ayah   : “Hemm?”
Bagas  : “Zzzzz…” (keep drawing)
Ayah   : “Bagas, Ayah Tanya.. kalau di sekolah, Bagas maunya main.. main apa? Main sepak bola.. atau main bulu tangkis.. atau main basket.. atau apa?”
Bagas  : “Bulu tangkis yang tinggiiii sekali..”
Ayah   : “Emang gimana bulu tangkis itu?”
Bagas  : “Wiiiiii.. gituu..” (jump)
Ayah   : “Ooh.. gituu..”
Bagas  : “Tinggiiii sekali..”
Ayah   : “Lompat-lompat gitu??”
Bagas  : …
Ayah   : “Terus.. terus..”
Bagas  : … (continue drawing)
Ayah   : “Itu kakinya Bagas kenapa sih ini?”
Bagas  : …
Ayah   : “Hemm??”
Bagas  : “Ujan…” (keep drawing)
Ayah   : “Itu loh.. ni loh.. kakinya Bagas kenapa ini??”
Bagas  : …
Ayah   : “Jatuh dimana itu??”
Bagas  : “Aku main bola…”
Ayah   : “Terus??”
Bagas  : “Terus.. langsuung jatuh..”
Ayah   : “Kok bisa jatuh? Bagas memang.. memang ini.. apa.. nginjek apa Bagas kok jatuh?”
Bagas  : “Langsuung jatuh..’
Ayah   : “Bagas nginjek apa memang? Kok jatuh?”
Bagas  : “Nggak nginjek apa-apa..”
Ayah   : “Tapi bisa jatuh?”
Bagas  : “Isss..” (keep drawing)
Ayah   : “Dimana sih? Di taman apa di jalan depan.. di aspal?”
Bagas  : “Di jalan depan..”
Ayah   : “Emm.. terus terus.. Bagas nangis nggak?”
Bagas  : “Nangis..”
Ayah   : “Nangisnya gimana?”
Bagas  : “Heee.. hee.. hee.. (act crying) terus keluang air matanya..”
Ayah   : “Keluar air matanya? Banyak apa sedikit?”
Bagas  : “Banyaaaak sekalii..”
Ayah   : “Terus.. setelah itu yang nolong Bagas siapa?”
Bagas  : “Emmmm.. mmm.. Mbak Isa..”
Ayah   : “Mbak Isa? Terus terus.. terus.. sama Mbak Isa diapain.. sama Mbak Isa diapain? Dibawa.. dibawa kedalem rumah yaa?”
Bagas  : “Iyaa..”
Ayah   : “Terus?”
Bagas  : …
Ayah   : “Terus sama Mbak Isa lukanya dibersihkan pake apa?
Bagas  : “Emmmm.. mmmm.. pake.. pake minyak tawon..”
Ayah   : “Pake minyak tawon? Sakit nggak?”
Bagas  : “… saaaa.. sakit…”
Ayah   : “Emm.. tapi Bagas.. Bagas setelah itu main bola kapok apa enggak? Pingin main lagi??”
Bagas  : “Ayaaah.. Liat ni..””
Ayah   : “Hemm? hemm?”
Bagas  : “Caccaalaaaaa..” (showing the picture)
Ayah   : “Apa itu?? Coba liat ni Ayah rekam ni.. mana? “
“Tunjukkan.. tunjukan ke kamera.. Mana gambarnya Bagas? “
Bagas  : (showing the picture)
Ayah   : “Wow.. bagus gambarnya Bagas yaa.. Gambar apa itu? ”
“Tolong jelaskan.. tolong jelasin ke Ayah.”
“Yah.. ini gambar ini.. gituu..”
Bagas  : “ Ayah.. yang.. yang diatas sini…”
Ayah   : “Gambar apa?”
Bagas  : “ujaan..”
Ayah   : “Hujan.. terus.. terus apalagi?”
              “Ada rumah orang?”
Bagas  : “Guduknya lupa..”
Ayah   : “Hem?”
Bagas  : “Gluduknya..”
Ayah   : “Apanya??”
Bagas  : “Gluduknya..”
Ayah   : “Geluduk??”
Bagas  : “Iya..”
Ayah   : “Ooh.. gimana geluduk itu?”
Bagas  : “Yah.. gluduknya gimana? Ajayin..”



In this chapter, the writer will analyze the video that has been transcript in the previous chapter. According to the video, it is true that when a person talks to a baby, they automatically use different kind of language variation, which is called by baby talk. It is universal. Meaning, every adult in the world will do the same to their own baby. But, the participant in this video does not include the baby’s mother.

In the video, we can see that the adult modify his way of speaking when father is talking to the baby. From the dialog above, we can see there are some characteristics that match with characteristics summarized by Pica:

1.    It has shorter, more complete sentence.

It can be seen in as follow:
Ayah   : “Dimana sih? Di taman apa di jalan depan.. di aspal?”
Bagas  : “Di jalan depan..”
The first sentence is short sentence, then the second is more complete sentence. It is done in order to make the children easier to understand what he was being said.

2.    The syntax is simplified through use of fewer subordinate clauses and coordinate construction.

It can be seen from the entire dialog, that father is very often use complex sentence to talk with Bagas.

3.    The vocal pitch was higher and its range was wider

It can be clearly seen from dialog above. Father usually uses more intonation in the each vocal than in conversation with adult.

4.    The speaking rate was slower, marked by many pauses between utterances

It can bee heard from the record that father’s speaking rate is slower than usual, and he also repeats in order to help Bagas understand what he meant.

5.     The articulation was more precise.

It can bee seen from dialog and record, that father’s articulation is very clear in order to be understood easily by Bagas.

6.    Attention to the here and now.
It can be seen from the dialog “Itu kakinya Bagas kenapa sih ini?” Father asked Bagas about the injury in his leg that can be seen by Bagas directly. And it can also be seen in the sentence “Wow.. bagus gambarnya Bagas yaa.. Gambar apa itu? ”.

7.    The use of self reference

It can be seen from the dialog “Itu loh.. ni loh.. kakinya Bagas kenapa ini??” and “Tunjukkan.. tunjukan ke kamera.. Mana gambarnya Bagas? “ Kakinya Bagas and gambarnya bagas are self reference.



From the analysis above, it can be concluded that about 90 % of the characteristics summarized by Pica about language addresses to small children by mother, other adults or older children can be found in the dialogue: it has shorter, more complete sentence; the syntax is simplified through use of fewer subordinate clauses and coordinate construction, the vocal pitch was higher and its range was wider, the speaking rate was slower, marked by many pauses between utterances, the articulation was more precise, attention to the here and now, and the use of self reference. It was done naturally by the adult when speak with a child in order to help the child easier to understand what he mean. So, the characteristic summarized by Pica is definitely true.

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