(A paper of Second Language Acquisition)
Desi fitri


Cover………………………………………………………………….. i
Table Of contents………………………………………………...........ii
CHPATER I Introduction
A. Background of the problem………………………. 1
B. Formulation of the problem……………………… 2
C. Objective of the study……………………………... 2
CHAPTER II Theoretical framework
A. Definition of teacher talk…………………………. 3
B. Definition of input modification…………………. 4
CHAPTER III Research and Finding
A. Research of the study……………………………... 5
B. Research finding…………………………………. .6
C. Research analysis…………………………………. 9
CHAPTER IV Conclusion
A. Conclusion ………………………………………. 11
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………… 12
A. Background of study
As a critical part of classroom teaching, teacher talk did not arouse attention of academic field as early as those studies on teaching. A close study on teacher talk owes much to the development of the branch of micro-teaching -- classroom research.
Classroom-centered research or classroom-originated research investigates the process of teaching and learning as they occur in classroom setting. “It simply tries to investigate what happens inside the classroom” (Allwright & Baily, 1991:3). Its aim is to identify the phenomena that promote or hamper learning in the classroom.
The growth of interest in the analysis of teacher language has been stimulated by the rejection of language teaching method as the principal determinant of successful learning. At first, the underlying assumption in teaching had been finding the right method. It was believed that the teaching effect was completely determined by the choice of teaching method. Studies such as those by Scherer and Wertheimer (1964) and Smith (1970) investigated the comparative effectiveness of methods such as grammartranslation, audio-lingualism, and cognitive code, but were not able to demonstrate that one was more successful than another (Ellis, 1985: 143). Despite the apparent differences in methodological principles, the various methods led to very similar patterns of classroom communication, with the result that the language learning outcomes were also similar.
Having retreated from focus on method, researchers began to hypothesize that classroom interaction was the major variable affecting SLA. “An offshoot of the comparative method studies, then, was to direct researchers’ attention to the processes of classroom interaction by collecting language data from the classroom itself” (Ellis, 1985:143).
“Classroom process research, as Gaies (1983) calls the study of communication in the classroom, has taken different forms: interaction analysis; teacher talk; discourse analysis” (Ellis, 1985:143). All dimensions of classroom process, from giving instruction to questioning or disciplining students, providing the feedback, involve teacher talk. Study on teacher talk has become one of the most important parts of classroom research.
B. Formulation of the problem
This activity is done in International center,Missouri State University (MSU). The teacher thought to helping out students at basic level and the writer analyze how the teacher makes interaction to her students. Based on the statement above, the writer formulates the problem: how does the aspect of the teacher talks occur in classroom interaction simulation internship at MSU?
C. Objective of the study
The objective of the study as below:
a. The writer wants to know how the teacher makes interaction to the students in learning activity.
Theoretical Framework
A. Teacher Talk
1. Definition of Teacher Talk
For foreign language learners, classroom is the main place where they are frequently exposed to the target language. The kind of language used by the teacher for instruction in the classroom is known as teacher talk (TT). For this term, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines it as “that variety of language sometimes used by teachers when they are in the process of teaching. In trying to communicate with learners, teachers often simplify their speech, giving it many of the characteristics of foreigner talk and other simplified styles of speech addressed to language learners” (Richards, 1992: 471).
Having studied the SLA for many years, Rod Ellis (1985) has formulated his own view about teacher talk: “Teacher talk is the special language that teachers use when addressing L2 learners in the classroom. There is systematic simplification of the formal properties of the teacher’s language… studies of teacher talk can be divided into those hat investigate the type of language that teachers use in language classrooms and those that investigate in the type of language they use in subject lessons.” He also commented “the language that teachers address to L2 learner is treated as a register, with its own specific formal and linguistics properties” (Ellis, 1985: 145).
Secondly, we can see that teacher talk is a special communicative activity. Its goal is to communicate with students and develops students’ foreign language proficiency. Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom activities (Feng Qican, 1999: 23). Teachers adopt the target language to promote their communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to encourage the communication between learners and themselves. Therefore we can say teacher talk is a kind of communication-based or interaction-based talk.
B. Input Modification
Modifications by native speakers occur at the level of linguistic and interaction. Chaudron (1988) has outlined the modification made by the teachers in terms of: speech rate, phonology, intonation, articulation of vocabulary, modification of syntax, and modification of discourse. Wensche (1944), summarizes the modification in term of speech rate, phonology and prosody, vocabulary, and modification in vocabulary. Pica (1994) also summarizes modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation; modification in word choice and frequency of use, modification of utterance length and structural complexity, modification in organization and elaboration of information; modification in proportions of questions, statement, and imperatives.
Types of modification:
1. Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
2. Modification of morphology and syntax
3. Modifications in vocabulary
4. Modifications in discourse
Research and Finding
A. Research
1. The purpose of study
In recent years, studies on the language that teachers use in language classroom has gradually drawn people’s attention, the attention paid to it has become gradually increasing both abroad and in Indonesia.
In the past years, most of the researches on teacher talk have only devoted to the analysis of various phenomena about teacher talk and the objective description on teacher talk such as its characters and structure. However, few researches have explored the effects of TT on second language acquisition (SLA). TT, as a vital aspect of classroom-based language learning, is influenced by many factors. Students, though, count a significant part of teaching and learning in classrooms, have not been considered in the previous studies. It is clear that TT is influenced by many factors. As one of the important factors in language classrooms, the students, to be more exact, the students’ learning needs and language proficiency cannot be neglected. However, so far all the researches on TT have not taken the factor of students into consideration. After a long time classroom observation, the author found that quite a few teachers talk in classrooms according to the teaching contents or examinations, and completely neglect the students’ learning needs.
2. Place and time of study
This research was conducted in in International center,Missouri State University (MSU).
B. Research Finding
1. The transcription of the video
Teacher (T) : you like chocolate?
Student1 (S) : no.
T : no.. ok I have this (shown one pack of chocolate) M&M, I will give this one of you.
S2 : yah… M&M..
T : you didn’t want this...(see to the student 2 by questioning face)
Ss : (all laughing) hehe…
T ;one way, you have to guess the answer (suddenly something fall on the floor).. , what’s that?
Ss : shock.. hahaeh
T :by what we gonna do today, and I will give it to you if you answer correctly.
S3 : ok .. aa..
T : ya.. it has three word (make a three blank line in the whiteboard) and it begin with simple. (write simple in the first blank line)
S1 : simple present..
T : no
S2 :simple past
T : ya… harris… you win.. yee..(write Past at the second blank line).. oh no simple past what?
S3 : seen this..
S4 : irregular
T : (one student come to the class) hallo adila, how are you?
Adila : good
T : good, I have a chocolate you can guess the word correctly one of …
S5 :simple past form
T :simple past form, no
S6 : perfect
T : no,
S3 :present
T : no
S2 : subject
T : no
S1 : irregular
S2 : regular … hehe..
S5 : tense
T : ya.. tense
S5 : yeye…
T : shujin.. oke.. shujin and harris.. You ‘r win.
One student come to the class again…
T : hi… how are you..rohasem.. good, so you can share with hariss (give the chocolate to shujin) or you can give to others…
S1 : and me.. hehe
T : ya..
T : ehem.. this is very simple and I would.. I … I already prepared many thing for you and I have some surprises in the end.
Ss : ok..
S1 : need something?
T : no book, no humor… hehe (smile) ok.
S2 : good
T : good, so.. since you are already know.. what is simple past tense.. I wanna give you the pretest,.(give task sheet to the student)
S4 : hah…owh.. so what…
S2 : pretest? No..
T : no, you can do that…
S2 : I haven’t test tomorrow
S5 : no humor, no book, no pretest..
S3 : no book but test… ahaha..
T : just ask me question if you… have question..
Ss : (do they pretest)
2. The Analysis of the transcription
a. Modification in speech rate, intonation, and speech sound articulation.
In this modification Pica states two features had been of special interest in search on rate of speech: reduces number of word per minute and increased length of pauses. From the teacher interaction to the students, the teacher give games by asks the students to guess the answer. “One way, you have to guess the answer”. The teacher also uses pauses in every word. She does it more frequently. Her intonation is good. She gives the stress for the important words, so the students understand what she means. Like in this conversation, “good, I have a chocolate you can guess the word correctly one of..”
b. Modification of morphology and syntax
From the complexity of syntax, the following characteristics of modification were indentified:
1. There is a shorter average length of no-unit: in this interaction teacher just use simple word. So, the student can understand it easily. “Simple past form…, no.
2. Modification interaction does not produce the syntactically. In this interaction the writer also does not find it.
3. There is a wide variety of sentences:
Statement: regular … hehe
c. Modifications in vocabulary
The most common measure used investigate vocabulary modifications is the ratio of number different words to number of words produced (type-token, smaller the ratio, the less diverse). In this interaction the teacher uses the simple vocabulary. There is no phrasal idiom:
- You ‘r win
- I wanna give you the pretest
- by what we gonna do today
d. Modification of discourse
This modification is usually called interactional modification. In it means using the consistent and rhetorical pattern in introducing, defining, and illustrating new topics. Like in this interaction, the teacher introducing new topic about simple past tense.
A. Conclusion
Based on the data above, we can see how the teacher makes her interaction to the students. There is some of the input modification that does not occur in that interaction. But, it is enough because the interaction is just occurred courses students. And from that research the writer has know the interaction between the teachers to the students. The teacher has used clear separation of languages, so the students can understand it easily. In this learning activity the teacher also demonstrate simple past tense to the students. Then, teacher gives pretest to know how far her students know about simple past tense. It will become the first information for the students so it belongs to comprehension. The teacher also uses simple structure, and avoiding the complex structure. And the last, the talk is richness of language use. So, it will add student’s knowledge.
Yufrizal, Hery, M.A.,Ph.D. 2008. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Bandung: Pustaka Reka Cipta.
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is too difficult to upload the video... i'll try again ... hufh...
BalasHapusdesi fitri